Archive for May, 2006

Getmapping images for Great Britain

Thursday, May 25th, 2006 has released detailed aerial photography for Great Britain, in the form of data from, great!

I’ve heard rumours that Microsoft are allowing certain imagry to be used in Worldwind, wonder if that is worth checking out…

(edit: seems I was quite slow on picking this up! Interestingly also adds ‘birds eye views‘)


Thursday, May 25th, 2006

So got to do one of these with geograph images!

(it’s an infinity zoomable image thingly, I think it requires a recent shockwave viewer)

New Servers for, Yay!

Wednesday, May 24th, 2006

Just a quick message to say thanks for everyone’s patience over the past few days, as have been migrating stuff over to new servers. Didn’t have as much time as hoped so few things have remained broken for longer than they should. Anyway the updates should mean a vast improvement in performance, not to mention now hosting in Europe, rather than in the US.

RSS to geoRSS and Google Earth

Thursday, May 11th, 2006

Over at geonames a new RSS-to-GeoRSS converter has been added, whats significant is that because its at geonames it has access to the worldwide gazetteer, and therefere can attempt to geocode just about any RSS feed. Of particular interest is that it will maintain any georss in the original (all there flavours) and has a KML output, so it will visualise just about any (geo)RSS feed in Google Earth! (and will even work via a network link!)

Read about it here in the geonames blog.

Ireland support

Monday, May 1st, 2006

It seems there was few issues with Northern Ireland Postcodes, the Coordinate converter and API should both handle them properly. As well as adding support to the Maps section.

UK Ordnance Survey Map Areas

Monday, May 1st, 2006

GEC user Fonant has posted here, a nice looking file of OS map coverages as polygons in Google Earth. Looks very nice and useful. I’ve had the data for a long time, but never thought of this! Also of interest is Ctrl-MouseLeft trick to find what shapes are under the mouse (well I never knew that).