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Multi Destination Routing Toolkit

NOTE: The tool on this page will probably not work. Google have turned off the kml output that this tool relied on.

This is for working with directions created in Google Maps. Use this form to:

Google Maps includes the ability to create directions taking in many points, but doesnt make it easy to export this data. And Google Earth doesn't (yet) offer the ability to do mutli-destination routing. So this page is an attempt to provide the little bit of missing functionality to save routes from Maps, and view them in Earth and a few other locations.

New! You can also use this page to transfer locations you created on Google Maps to Optimap, create a route starting at your location, and going once to each required location (in any order), and use this page as normal. Clicking the link on the next page should then show you a reasonable circular route visiting each location. Thanks Optimap!

Note 1: No guarantees, Google could easily change something (intentionally or otherwise) to break this. I don't think it volidates any rules/terms of use, as it simply utalises functionality already provided by Google (via network links). Suffice to say its not offically endorsed.

Note 2: can now understand a Multi-destination route directly! Just enter the Maps URL (obtained as above) and paste into the 'provide the URL of data on the Web' box on the GPS visualiser form.

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