Scenicness Map of Great Britain

This was made a while ago, but never really publised – so time it was given a bit more exposure…

Thanks to the thousands of people rating locations over at ScenicOrNot, and the fact those locations are tied to Geograph images, we can plot the scenicness on a map!

Screenshot of ScenicOrNot data plotted on the Geograph Interactive Mapper

ScenicOrNot based map

The interactive mapper on Geograph now has a ScenicOrNot layer – updated weekly. You can also use the mapper to view the projects coverage so far.
Click the thumbnail to see the map for an area just south of Edinbrough, drag the map for other areas :) . The lighter the colour the more scenic.

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4 Responses to “Scenicness Map of Great Britain”

  1. Harry says:

    Hmm — I want to be able to zoom out more!

  2. Barry says:

    Yes well, need to render some OSM tiles on the OSGB grid for that ;)

  3. Jim says:

    It’s fascinating, and has me thinking of various potential applications. I’m not a GIS-whizz myself, but is there any way to aggregate the data up to areas such as local authority?

  4. Barry says:

    @Jim, certainly its possible.

    The main issue is that local authority boundaries are not freely available. The OS charge and impose licencing restrictions, so not certain one could be done for free.

    With the note: “at the moment”, the OS may be releasing more data soon, which will make this possible.