Following the amazing interest in the networklink for embedding FlashEarth inside Google Earth 4.2, have performed a few updates…
- The zoom is a LOT closer matched, this is thanks to the inspiring formula: $z = (-1.4956 * log($range/1000) + 16.529; (yes really!); brought to you by the wonder of plotting a graph in Excel, creating a trendline, turning on the formula display option. Probably could get an even better match with more patience, but probably about as good as it going to get really.
- Removed the title and the directions links, makes the balloon looks a bit nicer, couldn’t get it to go transparent for me tho… suggestions welcome.
- When the network link is now a folder so can choose the size of your popup The previous version is now the ‘medium’ one.
Though the magic of the web, you get 1) and 2) automatically, if want 3) just download it again:
Open in Google Earth (Required: GE 4.2 Windows)
Thanks again to everyone involved.
[...] Mais, la nouveauté vient d’un petit hack bidouillé par des membres de la communauté de Google Earth qui exploite la possibilité [GE 4.2] d’intégrer Flash dans les ‘placemark bubbles’. Vous pouvez ouvrir le Network link [fichier KLM] dans GE et ensuite accéder à FlashEarth en cliquant sur la petite flèche blanche. Excellent idée. [...]
[...] First, Valery posted to the Google Earth Community that you could include FlashEarth within a placemark bubble – if you are using GE 4.2 on Windows. Then, using the new capability of Google Earth to embed Flash into placemark bubbles, Barry Hunter has produced a KML network link. Open it in Google Earth, and a white arrow will appear in the center of the screen. Click on the arrow, and a bubble will pop up giving you the Flash Earth choices of imagery for that area. [...]