Archive for the ‘online maps’ Category

KML (& NetworkLink) for Nearby & any Geo-WordPress!

Saturday, February 17th, 2007

Following the addition of GeoRSS, earlier today while out photographing some PhotoSpots (TBA), I had an even better (possibly) idea, now that my WordPress stores Lat/Long, why not output KML too! The icing on the cake is you can also wrap it in a NetworkLink so that peoples Google Earth will auto update. (I am surprised couldn’t find this done already!)

And if that isn’t enough then I also release the code under GPL :) – note its the first time written anything for WordPress, so might not be a tidy as could be!

Anyway see it in action on my series of PhotoSpots:

- as all these list the PhotoSpot category, each post includes a link to open the actual spot, so just click the world icon in the balloon to open :)

Download the Source or view the source: WordPress KML Generator and NetworkLink Wrapper

Installation: This is not a proper plugin, so just drop the .php files into the root of your WordPress folder and you should be done (but you can configure the icon to display if you wish by editing the wp-kml.php file)

Use: Normally you would only provide a link to the Wrapper – which in turn links to the feed itself, but the feed is useful like in the above example to plot directly on Google Maps. You can also specify a particular category to display like the above example or otherwise will include all geocoded posts.
Important: Requires the GeoPress extension be installed (to get geocode info)
Only tested on WordPress 2.0.1 – Works For Me – Your Mileage May Vary – no guarantee, implied or otherwise

UK ZIPScribble Map

Saturday, January 6th, 2007

UK ZipScribble MapFollowing inspiration from the US ZIPScribble Map, I have created a UK version. Due to the resolution of the Postcodes in the UK it doesn’t work that well with full postcodes, but using sector postcodes seems to work well, click the thumbnail for a higher resolution version. (yes know some Postcode areas are missing!)

I have split and changed colour between postcode area (the first 1,2 letters), otherwise the sorting is done in alphanumeric order.

(via blog)

Getmapping images for Great Britain

Thursday, May 25th, 2006 has released detailed aerial photography for Great Britain, in the form of data from, great!

I’ve heard rumours that Microsoft are allowing certain imagry to be used in Worldwind, wonder if that is worth checking out…

(edit: seems I was quite slow on picking this up! Interestingly also adds ‘birds eye views‘)

Maps in Google Earth

Tuesday, March 14th, 2006

Haven’t had a chance to try it but this (from gpsvisualizer) looks really promising, basically allows you to easily overlay various maps on the Globe directly in Google Earth. (or an alternative from 3D solar)

Take a look at the announcement in the GEC.