Google Earth 4.2 + FlashEarth equals…

What if the current view in Google Earth was quickly viewable in other maps, such as those made accessible by FlashEarth? Well, now it is. As you move around the globe a little white arrow follows you around, simple click it to get an approximation of the current view in FlashEarth in a popup balloon.

Open in Google Earth

Total credit to Valery35, for the concept (including a screenshot) on the Google Earth Community. (and to all the people made all the bits that could be pieced together in this 15min hack)

13 Responses to “Google Earth 4.2 + FlashEarth equals…”

  1. [...] A clever hack for the new version of Google Earth from Valery Hronusov and Barry Hunter of Using the new capability of Google Earth to embed Flash into placemark bubbles, there’s now a KML network link at Open it in Google Earth, and a white arrow will appear in the center of the screen. Click on the arrow, and a bubble will pop up giving you the choice of imagery for that area from a number of different online mapping sites (e.g. Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Virtual Earth) using Flash Earth: [...]

  2. [...] You’ve probably heard about FlashEarth, the site that lets you compare the satellite imagery offered by Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Microsoft Virtual Earth, and more. Now you can use FlashEarth directly from Google Earth thanks to a layer created by Barry Hunter. “As you move around the globe a little white arrow follows you around, simple click it to get an approximation of the current view in FlashEarth in a popup balloon.” [...]

  3. [...] 第三项 我要介绍的 是来自非官方的Layer,通过nearby blog下载到的FlashEarth Layer可以在Google Earth中使用Flash Earth了。而Flash Earth是什么呢?我在很早就介绍过了,可以在这里察看详情。 [...]

  4. Uhm,great,i dont know FlashEarth!

  5. [...] FlashEarth es una web que te permite comparar las imágenes de satélite que ofrecen Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Microsoft Virtual Earth y algunos más. A partir de ahora, se podrán comparar y utilizar todos estos servicios desde Google Earth, gracias a esta plantilla. [...]

  6. [...] قبلا برايتان از سايتی اسم بردم به نام FlashEarth . اين سايت در حقيقت يك نسخه آنلاين (يعني بدون نياز به نصب نرم‌افزار ) از برترين نرم‌افزارهای مشابه Ú¯ÙˆÚ¯Ù„ ارث است: Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Microsoft Virtual Earth, and more . خب ! حالا شما مي‌توانيد از ÙŠÙƒ ترفند استفاده كنيد. از اينجا مي‌توانيد يك امكان جديد را دانلود كرده Ùˆ به Ú¯ÙˆÚ¯Ù„ ارث خود اضافه كنيد. [...]

  7. [...] blog GIS, maps, mapping, geo, UK, Geograph, PHP, Perl and more –: Visit Homepage :– © Barry Hunter 2007, Creative Commons Licenced unless specified « Google Earth 4.2 + FlashEarth equals… [...]

  8. [...] FlashEarth, the marvelous mashup of online mapping services by Paul Neave from the UK, has broken into new territory, thanks to Valery Hrosunov and Barry Hunter. “What if the current view in Google Earth was quickly viewable in other maps, such as those made accessible by FlashEarth? Well, now it is. As you move around the globe a little white arrow follows you around, simple click it to get an approximation of the current view in FlashEarth in a popup balloon”. # [...]

  9. [...] Owing to the Flash Earth layer thingy published a few days ago, you might notice things a little choppy around here at the moment… my own little corner of the web is not normally this busy. Currently have about 3-4 times the normal traffic levels, which is about 200 visitors at any one time. Just the layer has been downloaded by about 1,200 people and generated about 70,000 hits. So far beating the Cloud and sky layer from a while ago by about x2. [...]

  10. [...] Flash Earth now lets you use a Flash interface to get around Google Maps, Windows Live Maps (aerial and labeled), Yahoo Maps, Ask Maps (aerial and physical), OpenLayers and NASA Terra daily satellite imagery. (via, via, via) [...]

  11. [...] Flash Earth now lets you use a Flash interface to get around Google Maps, Windows Live Maps (aerial and labeled), Yahoo Maps, Ask Maps (aerial and physical), OpenLayers and NASA Terra daily satellite imagery. (via, via, via) [...]

  12. [...] FlashEarth s’intègre très bien dans Google Earth 4.3 et suivants à l’aide d’une layer créée spécialement à cet effet par Harry Hunter. On put ainsi jeter un oeil directement depuis Google Earth sur l’image proposée par le système concurrent. Articles en relations: [...]

  13. [...] with a simple img tag, similar to the Chart API. Well I thought it would be fun to re-purpose the FlashEarth code to create a network link to display Google Maps in a popup balloon on Google Earth. Not [...]