… a website for more traffic that is. This is something a little off-topic perhaps for this blog, but it might be of interest to a few so will document a few tricks have learnt, in tweaking Geograph to cope with more traffic as it’s daily visitors and hits continue to climb. If you are not familiar with Geograph, or not a System-Admin (or budding – like me!), then probably can stop reading now!
First a little background, Geographs code started very humble, and coded to work off a single server, later with OS sponsorship we upgraded to multiple servers to cope with increasing traffic. This was done with a single larger server for Database and photo storage, and then multiple commodity webservers (with a front end load-balancer) More. This worked well for a number of months, but simply the DB/NAS server couldn’t cope with the increasing DB load, and bandwidth for serving all hundred of thousands of photos.
- Split the database, a small quick win is/was split off php sessions and gazetteer queries to a second Database. Sessions of course have lots of writes, so where tending to saturate the main db, this perhaps reduced its load by a 3rd!
- Cache Images on the separate servers. The servers aren’t big enough to house a copy of the full archive, but thumbnails are certainly more manageable. Seeing as thumbnails actually account for about 60-70% of the raw hits to the site, this is a potential win, as previously each server would have to seperatelly fetch individual images off the NAS. We use Apache as the webserver, so could easily create another simple VirtualHost to serve thumbnails, a empty DocumentRoot save images, with a simple 404 handler to fetch and store images not ready copied. This greatly reduces load on the NAS as its not having 3x servers fetching random thumbnails. (this also paves the way to move away from full-blown Apache simply for static content)
- Cache stuff in Memory – with Memcache. Related to the above point, quite a bit of load is actually random disk IO to determine image sizes as this requires reading the jpeg data. Caching this all in memory is good. Memcache can easily distribute it cache across multiple machines, so even losing a server means only part of the cache needs rebuilding. We also use ADODB as a database abstraction layer, with the latest version it has support to use Memcache for its caching, great! Last up is to do lots of application level caching on key places. Of course sessions and also the templating system (smarty) could benefit from memcache, but one step at a time!
- Optimise the HTTP headers. There are lots of tweaks and stuff here that can be done to lower the bandwidth and improve external cacheability of objects. This post is getting quite long so I think that might be a separate post…
- Optimize the slow queries. And last of not least, learn to love going though the log of slow database queries, and really stepping on the slow ones. This of course is an ongoing project. I found a script to summarize these, but it seems that mysql 5 at least comes with its own equally good one!
This list isn’t exhaustive, and of course is an on going project, always more can be done…